Jenna Perrone
Jenna is a freshman at Baker majoring in Chemistry and History. She joined P4P because she’s passionate about rural medicine and Parkinson’s disproportionately affects rural communities. She’s excited about the opportunity to fundraise for research into this disease.
Jenna’s favorite pancakes are strawberry jam pancakes!
Zachary Rubio
Zachary is a first-year student from Jones studying Biosciences with a major concentration in Cell Biology and Genetics! He joined P4P because he wants to help spread awareness about Parkinson’s, and since his grandpa had Parkinson’s he wants to interact with more people going through similar experiences.
Zachary’s favorite pancake is a blueberry pancake!
Olivia Seo
Hello! My name is Olivia, and I am a sophomore from Brown college. I was on the board last year, and I really enjoyed the various events we hosted like PATW. I joined p4p to engage with the community beyond the hedges and also to fundraise for Parkinson’s.
Olivia’s favorite pancakes are crepes!